Croatian Sahara Zoo
One of the main attractions in Djurdjevac Croatia is the Croatian Sahara petting zoo. This zoo (zoološki vrt) came to the spotlight when the mayor of the town decided to buy 4 camels in 2016. The mayor hoped that this camel petting zoo (and the nearby Croatian Sahara Desert) could draw in tourists from Croatia and abroad.
Price of Djurdjevac Zoo

The Camels
The camels are definitely the main attraction at the Croatian Sahara. The four camels are split into two different sections, because apparently they would fight each other if they were all together. The camels are very friendly and will walk right up to you. The best part is that you are allowed to pet the camels as much as you want. If you go at the right time, you can watch the worker feed the camels. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to ride the camels at the Croatian Sahara.
Random facts about camels:
- On average, camels live for around 40 years
- Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps. Camels store fat in the visible humps on their back. Camels usually store around 20 pounds of fat in their humps
- The camels at the Croatian Sahara were bought from a zoo in Germany
- A camel can drink up to 50 gallons of water in under 2 minutes!

Donkeys and Chickens

How far away are the Sands of Djurdjevac from the Zoo
The Croatian Desert, also known as the Đurđevečki peski, are about a 45 minute walk from the zoo. In a car it is only about a 10 minute drive. Unfortunately there is no bus.